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RAWR Terms

of Service


“RAWR4KIDS” refers to RAWR4KIDS. ABN 60 284 556 572 and its staff. “you”, “your” and “Hirer” refers to you, the Hirer. “contract” means the contract to hire RAWR4KIDS, constituted by the invoice or quotation, these terms, any special terms and such other documents or written communications which evidence the agreement between you and RAWR4KIDS. “equipment” means all properties and items which RAWR4KIDS agrees to hire to the Hirer; “hire period”, “booking” and “event date” means the period for which the equipment is hired, as shown on the invoice or subsequently agreed between RAWR4KIDS and the Hirer; “cost” means the price for hiring the equipment, as shown on the invoice or subsequently agreed between RAWR4KIDS and the Hirer; “site” means the place at which the equipment is delivered or setup by RAWR4KIDS; and “terms” means these terms.



RAWR4KIDS. Is not obliged to deliver possession of any equipment to the Hirer until funds given in payment of the cost are cleared in full. Quoted and invoiced figures do not include any third party associated costs (unless stated otherwise). Cost’s will be paid as follows:


Private Parties:

A) Direct Debit - $100.00 non-refundable deposit on acceptance of the invoice or quotation required to secure booking;

B) Direct Debit - 100% (full) payment is due 14 days prior to commencement of the hire period and/or event date;

C) Credit Card - 100% (full) payment at time of booking (online or over the phone).

Community Events: 

A) Direct Debit - 15% non-refundable deposit on acceptance of the invoice or quotation required to secure booking;

B) Direct Debit - 100% (full) payment is due 14 days prior to commencement of the hire period and/or event date;

C) Credit Card - 100% (full) payment at time of booking (online or over the phone).



The Hirer is not entitled to any refund of the cost for any unused consumables or equipment, or for the early return of equipment before the hire period is scheduled to end. 

If the Hirer cancels the booking after it has been accepted, the following applies:

A) Greater than 14 days prior to commencement of the hire period and/or event date – full credit will be applied to your account for a rebooking with us within 12 months. 

B) Less than 14 days to the commencement of the hire period and/or event date – 50% credit applied to your account and forfeiture of 50% of the hire cost.

C) Cancellations made on the hire date or after we have already left our office for your event/party will result in forfeiture of your full hire cost.


If the Hirer makes a booking and payment without confirming the hire date availability:


A) If the hire date is available, RAWR4KIDS will honour the booking date as an approved hire; 

B) If the hire date is unavailable, the Hirer will be given a credit to use within 12 months;

C) If the Hirer cancels the booking due to unavailability this will result in forfeiture of the full hire cost.


Refund (Credit) terms:


As administrative time and preparative work is covered by hire cost and the equipment has been booked and set aside for your exclusive use on the requested date, no refunds apply to cancelled/postponed bookings however you will be provided with a credit to rebook with us within 12 months.​


A) Credits will be assessed and given/withheld at the discretion of RAWR4KIDS after a review of your circumstances and done so in line with our Hire Terms and Conditions.

B) No credits will be processed for change of mind, error in booking or circumstances out of our control.

B) No credits will be given if you are found to have breached the RAWR4KIDS ‘Hire Terms and Conditions’ contract in any way, shape or form;

C) No credits will be given if you are found to have acted dishonestly, and with the intent to damage, harm or potentially violate RAWR4KIDS’s public image or the safety of its staff and/or contractors.



Under no circumstances will we operate in wet or dangerous weather conditions, it is vital that you have a plan B in place, if cancelation is made due to weather, the following applies:

A) If wet or dangerous weather is predicted 48 hours prior to commencement of the hire period and/or event date – full credit will be applied to your account.

B) If wet or dangerous weather is predicted 24 hours prior to commencement of the hire period and/or event date and you choose to proceed with your event/party – RAWR4KIDS’s standard cancellation policy, as outlined in section 003 applies if deemed to be unsafe to proceed with the hire.

C) If unpredicted wet or dangerous weather occurs on the booking date – the Hirer will be given a credit to use within 12 months;




Sourcing applicable licencing and permits is the sole responsibility of the Hirer to research, organise, obtain and action. RAWR4KIDS holds no legal liability for advising, organising or obtaining any sort of licencing or permits. We do not hire our Outdoor Cinema for Community Events, however The Hirer should refer to ‘Roadshow Public Performance Licensing’ ( and ‘Amalgamated’ ( for any movie licencing advice and refer to their local council for any required permits or approvals.


Any legal repercussion on RAWR4KIDS or its staff for your failure to source the appropriate licencing and permits will be your sole responsibility, RAWR4KIDS reserves the right to seek full compensation for all fees and financial losses or damages associated with any legal matters arising from your neglect.




RAWR4KIDS technicians will instruct the Hirer on the correct and safe operation of all equipment, all equipment in addition comes with a complete digital manual and user guide. It is the responsibility of the Hirer for the protection and correct use of this equipment during the duration of hire period, unless RAWR4KIDS technicians remain on site for the entire hire period. The Hirer must compensate RAWR4KIDS for the replacement cost of any equipment which is damaged, lost or stolen during the hire period or for any other financial loss or expense incurred as a result of such incident’s. Fair wear and tear excluded.


The Hirer must not: remove part or any of the equipment from the site or its position of installation; alter the equipment; repair or attempt to repair the equipment; or use the equipment for a purpose which is different from that outlined in the user manual. RAWR4KIDS’s identification, trade name, trademark and signage may appear on the equipment, banners and/or other displays. The Hirer must not conceal or destroy these and cannot claim any compensation from RAWR4KIDS for any advertising in respect of these.



If when the equipment is collected by RAWR4KIDS, goods owned by the Hirer are found to be in the equipment. RAWR4KIDS may dispose of those goods without liability unless the Hirer claims them within 14 days after the hire date. Likewise, if the Hirer finds any property of RAWR4KIDS this must be reported to RAWR4KIDS and claimed within 14 days otherwise the Hirer may dispose of such items without liability.




RAWR4KIDS may terminate this contract at any time without liability. If the contract is terminated prior to your event date, all monies except the $100.00 or 15% non-refundable deposit will be returned to the Hirer. If the contract is terminated after the event has commenced, the Hirer must return all equipment within thirty (30) minutes of notice of termination. RAWR4KIDS may at its discretion enter site and retrieve all equipment owned by RAWR4KIDS from the site at the Hirer’s cost. If the Hirer refuses entry to RAWR4KIDS or its staff to retrieve any items, after the thirty (30) minutes has passed, all items remaining on site will be deemed 'stolen goods' and reported to local authorities. This will then be prosecuted in a court of law and the Hirer will be liable for any cost involved in the recovery, all financial losses and all associated legal fees.




RAWR4KIDS. reserves the right to modify, change, update and adjust these terms and conditions without notice and as so required to uphold the company values, insurances, licencing, permits and legal obligations as set out under commonwealth law and local government laws.

Contact us

Please use the form below to contact us if you:


  • don't understand a term,

  • require further clarification,

  • have suggestions on how we can improve.

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